The renewal of the fee for the year 2023 must be carried out by 31 January 2025 (a penalty of 50 Euros will be applied after this date).

The renewal fees for existing members are as follows:

Ordinary, Effective, Aspirant, Aggregate, Foreigner Members over 35 years of age – € 500.00

Senior Members aged 70 or over – € 250.00

Ordinary, Effective, Aspirant, Aggregate, Foreigner Members under 35 – € 200.00

Residents – € 100.00


Payments by bank transfer

IBAN: IT90 N030 6909 6061 0000 0062 901 ( Banca Intesa San Paolo )
Payable to: AICPE ( Italian Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery )
Reason: “Enrollment fee 2025+ Name and Surname (if the payment is made through a company, always specify the Name and Surname of the doctor for whom you are registering)

Payments with PayPal

Payments made via PayPal will incur a 4% surcharge


Ordinary, Effective, Aspirant, Aggregate, Foreigner Members over 35 years of age
€500 +4%


Senior Members aged 70 or over
€250 EUR +4%


Ordinary, Effective, Aspirant, Aggregate, Foreigner Members under 35
€200 EUR +4%


€100 EUR +4%